
The competitions section allows you to create and track knockout competitions.

Create a Competition

To create a competition you need to provide the following information:

  • Competition Name
  • Number of games in the first round
  • The dates the rounds should be played by
If you just want to create a competition so that you can reference it in a Fixture, without tracking it, all you have to provide is the name, and then select save.

If you want to track the competition, tap the ‘Add Players’ button. Then add the games.

If you don’t provide a name for one of the games, then the other player will get a Bye to the next round.

Track a Competition

When you are looking at a competition you can select the round from the dropdown at the top of the screen.

Winning players for a game will be shown in bold, with the scores.

To set the results of a game tap on it and provide the scores. The winning player will automatically get promoted to the next round.



The toolbar provides a single option, that is to share the competition. Tapping this button with create a HTML document of the competition which you can then share using your phones built in functionality.

Selecting Publish to will publish the competition to and generate a unique id for the page. Once published the unique url for the page will be presented at the top of the screen.


The toolbar presents three options

  • Publish - This will publish the competition to as described in the iOS section
  • Delete - This allows you to delete the competition
  • Share - This presents the Android Share Sheet for sharing the HTML via other means such as email.


Create Competition Add Players View Competition