Release 09 July 2024

v1.7.3 Released

  • v1.7.3 for iOS
  • 1.6.3 for Android

Removed Ads

Release 23 February 2024

v1.7.1 Released

  • v1.7.1 for iOS
  • 1.6.2 for Android

Added better support for Crown Green, Indoor, and Carpet Bowls


Release 21 December 2023

v1.7.0 Released

  • v1.7 for iOS
  • 1.6.1 for Android

Both versions add new clubs in Western Australia.

The iOS version has a preview of Bar Management functionality.

I’ve just taken over running my clubs bar and I wanted something to try and help me with it. When I’ve worked out what the functionality should include I’ll port it to Android.

Release 21 October 2023

v1.6.0 Released

Ends+ v1.6 are is available

Version 1.6 brings in a requested feature, as well as the ability to publish information via a web page.

Live Scores
Live scores allow you to track the ends for a game, and publish the game progress as a web page so that anyone can see it. A useful feature to allow someone to follow a game when they can’t be at the Green.

More HTML Pages
Along with publishing a web page for a live game you can now also publish web pages for Competitions and Leagues. All you have to do is create a competition or league as you normally would and then use the Publish option to make them available to everyone to see, making it easy for everyone to stay up to date.

Ends+ Account
To use the above features and publish to the internet you will need to create an Ends+ account. The pages themselves can be view by anyone.

Release 23 September 2023

v1.5.0 Released

I’ve decided to remove all the collaborative club functionality. It didn’t have any uptake, and it will give me more time to work on other features.

Release 31 August 2023

v1.4.x Released

Ends+ v1.4.1/2/3/4 are now available

I’ve been a bit slack lately with keeping the blog up to date. Here are the missing updates

  • Version 1.4.1 provides adding fixtures as an Calendar event. iOs only
  • Version 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 provided some bug fixes and tweaks.
  • Version 1.4.4 adds the ability to export Ends data as a scorecard. iOs Only

Release 06 May 2023

v1.4.0 Released

Version 1.4 provides Leagues, along with some bug fixes and tweaks.

Define and track Leagues using the latest functionality in Ends+

  • Create a League
  • Add some divisions to the League
  • Add the teams/players to the league
  • Add game results to automatically update the league table
  • Share the league table via your phones standard sharing functionality

Release 21 April 2023

v1.3.0 Released

Version 1.3, along with bug fixes and tweaks, is focused competitions.

In this release you can now create Knockout competitions.

  • Create a Competition
  • Set the number of games in the first round
  • Add the teams/players. By not putting a name against for a game the other player gets a BYE
  • Adding the scores for the games will promote the team to the next round.
  • Share the competition status as a HTML file.

Release 01 March 2023

v1.2.0 Released

Version 1.2, along with bug fixes and tweaks, is focused around picking the team for a fixture.

From the Edit Fixture screen you can choose to manage the Team. This opens the Fixture Team screen, where you can set the number of teams, and now many players per team. The Fixture Detail screen shows the picked teams along side the rest of the Fixture information.

There is now also a Share option on the toolbar which will allow you to share the Fixture Details via whatever means you have installed on your device.

Sneak Peak 05 February 2023

Sneak Peak

Fixture Teams
Sneak peak at what’s coming in v1.2 - Add your team to a fixture

  • Set the number of Teams that are to be played
  • Set the number of bowlers on the rink.
  • Enter the bowlers name in the appropriate position.

Release 29 January 2023

v1.1.0 Released

Version 1.1 is a minor release that includes from functionality that wasn’t quite ready for v1.0. It includes

  • Duty Rota - Create your Duty Rota so that all club members can see when they ‘on shift’. This release provides Bar, Catering, Cleaning, Mowing and Teas. I will look to add more in the future. If you have a duty that you would like to see include drop me a line via the Contact Page.
  • For Sale - A place to post items that you have for sale within the club.

Release 19 January 2023

v1.0.0 Released

Today I launched Ends+, The Lawn Bowls organiser. I’m aiming for a cold launch, with no marketing to ensure that everything is working as expected before I start to market the app.