Ends+ provides all your bowls organising needs. Whether you are using it to track your own fixtures or looking after your clubs competitions and members. Ends+ can make the process easier.
Quickly see your upcoming games, and those that still need to be played.
Fixture Calender
All your fixtures in a single place, colour coded by type.
Keep a record of your Bowls contacts.
Find details about over 7000 clubs in 22 countries.
Leagues and Competitions
Create and manage Leagues and Competitions.
Live Scores
Publish a games score to the internet in real time.
Screen Gallery
Home Screen
One place to see all your upcoming fixtures, as well as those games that have to be played by a specified date.
Fixtures Calendar
Quick see all your fixtures for the coming year coloured coded to easily identigy the Fixture type.
Fixture Details
A Fixture at a glance. All the information you need to know about a Fixture on one page.
Contact Details
Save your contacts including contact information, as well as the club they play for and any associations.
The club database has over 4500 club from 22 different countries logically grouped to quickly find a club.
Club Detail
Details of a club might include address, contact details, social website and a map of where it is.
See and move the games from your watch onto the phone
Club Member
Keep a record of your club members, how to contact them, position within the club, and other club details.
Create and manage a competition of up to 64 starting teams. Publish as an HTML page to the internet
Live Scores
Publish the results of a game to the internet that can be viewed by anyone with a web browser.
Create your own leagues and track who is winning. Publish as an HTML page to the internet.